By Jane Sheppard
Jane SheppardBoosting immunity can reduce the number of colds, flu and other infections, and your child will more easily be able to recover from illness. With a strong immune system, you can avoid antibiotics or other medications, and your child will be less likely to experience chronic issues such as asthma, allergies, and chronic ear infections.

Children are continually exposed to many different types of bacteria and viruses, including colds and flu. This is actually healthy for the immune system, since immunity develops by being exposed to germs and dealing with illnesses. Recovering safely from childhood diseases helps to build immunity even stronger – so getting sick is not necessarily a bad thing. During an illness, you can help the immune system by boosting its ability to handle the disease rather than suppressing the symptoms with drugs. The CureChild program teaches how to safely help your children recover from illness.

Most Microbes (germs) are Beneficial
Microbes (germs) are everywhere in your children’s environment, and there’s no way to avoid most of them. But most microbes are not harmful; they are beneficial to health. In fact, the human body has a symbiotic relationship with the majority of microbes, and it can’t live without them. In addition to the bacteria that live on the things they encounter and touch every day, children have trillions of bacteria living inside their bodies and on their skin. These microbes are absolutely essential to children’s immunity, development and health.

Although the vast majority of microbes are beneficial, some can cause harm when they multiply – ranging from minor infections to serious diseases. Bacteria, viruses, or any microbes that can cause harm to the body are called pathogens. Healthy people with strong immunity can have pathogens at low levels in the body and still remain healthy. It is when the pathogens multiply into greater numbers where trouble begins and they become infections. The immune system’s main job is to keep the body in a constant state of balance between the good, beneficial microbes and the pathogens, and to prevent the pathogens from developing into infections.

Exposure to viruses or other pathogens does not mean your child will get sick. The reality is that out of all the children exposed to the virus, only a portion of these children will get sick to some degree, and others will not get the disease at all. It is the strength of the immune system and overall health of the body and mind that determines illness.

Take these steps to build a strong immune system in your children and keep them healthy:
• Breastfeed for as Long as Possible
• Provide Healthy Whole Foods with Antioxidants
• Optimize Beneficial Bacteria with Probiotics and Fermented Foods
• Supplement with Vitamin D and Omega-3 Fats
• Avoid Processed Foods and Sugar
• Avoid Antibiotics, Antibacterial Soaps, Hand Sanitizers and Wipes
• Reduce Stress
• Get Enough Sleep and Exercise
• Avoid Unnecessary Exposures to Environmental Toxins

Excerpted from Jane Sheppard’s in-depth e-book, Strengthen Your Child’s Immune System: What you need to know to keep your child exceptionally healthy and prevent disease – available for free at