Month: October 2012

Are You Spending Too Much?

By Natalie Do
“Something’s gotta give,” Anne ponders after looking at her overwhelming schedule. She has to leave the office by 5 p.m. to pick up her son. Knowing that she can’t fit in everything, Anne cancels her lunch and moves the dentist appointment to tomorrow. She has to rearrange her priorities to make her day work.


What Every Mom Should Know About The Early Years

Statistics on early childhood care and adult success.

By Negin Ascher
Negin AscherWhen life gets crazy, it’s easy to miss opportunities to nurture our youngest children. In fact, statistics indicate that very few Americans truly understand the impact of a child’s earliest years. In California, the state’s financial commitment to early care and education declines with each successive round of budget cuts.

Yet, we know now that there is a biological window of development that, once past, can hardly be revisited. We know that the earliest years are the time of greatest development and brain formation and the best predictors of eventual educational attainment, social contributions and even happiness. (more…)

Spooky Halloween Recipes

By Catherine McCord

Chocolate Tofu Pudding Pots (Serves 4)

Chocolate Tofu Pudding PotsTotal Time: 5 minutes

  • 1 14 oz package soft silken tofu (i like house foods soft silken or mori-nu firm silken)
  • 1/3 cup pure cocoa powder
  • 1/3 cup agave nectar (feel free to use a little more if you want it sweeter)
  • 1 tablespoon vanilla extract
  • 24 chocolate wafers (i like using famous chocolate wafers) gummy worms (i know, it’s candy. if you think of a healthier “worm” substitute, go for it. or, you can leave them out altogether.)
  • 4 small clay flower pots
